End of Term 1

Robin Yamaguchi

21 June 2016

Each term it’s exciting for the children to have a chance to receive awards and recognition for their hard work during the term.
We give award certificates to children from each class, not only for the top academically, but to encourage others–like the “Most Improved” or the “Most Punctual” etc. The small gifts of boxes of coloured pencils, books and such are very appreciated by the children of each class.
Because we’re a Community-Serving school, our local officials have been a tremendous help to us, to the point of even being instrumental in recommending us to be able to get a bore-hole well. They took turns at presenting prizes and certificates to the children and some shared some words of encouragement and wisdom also.
We were very happy with several groups singing and dancing inspiring songs. Then…what is an African celebration without lots of good food! 2 goats were included in this scrumptious meal complete with maize flour, rice, cassava and beans.
Mr. Oyeta, the head of the Parents Association and Director Robin.
Our Ceremony was held on the last day of Term 1 so the following day, all the pupils returned to their families for their Term 1 holidays. These motorcycle taxi (bodaboda) drivers are very experienced. Just as well considering the loads they carry daily.