Our projects
Take a closer look at what we dedicate our time toKatakwi Flood Relief
When the floods struck in the north east of our country, hundreds of thousands of people were stranded, with zero access to food, roads or hope.
We were contacted by the Ramadan Association from Kisekka Mosque and they gave us 3 million shillings to aid the needy. We arranged a large truck, bought 3 tons of maize flour & beans, plus 50 rounds of malaria medicine, stretching the money as far as we could.

The Ik
The Ik: A marginalized tribe in the far North East of Uganda
What an unforgettable and special people! High on the peak of the mountains between Uganda on Kenya is a tribe of people, so marginalized and brave, facing enormous difficulties.
The Healing Touch of Art
A primary goal of Family Care Uganda is to brighten the lives of all those we come into contact with. We have had a range of members who have had exceptional talents and by using those God-given gifts, have effected change for good in the lives of many here.

Mercy Home of Children
In the course of distributing donations to needy orphanages and small Community Based Organizations, we came across Mercy Home of Children. Soon after we began to realize their plight, the founder needed to leave the country. With 130 children to feed, school and care for, we felt it was an important place to focus our energies and to care for them during the time of transition, till more long-term arrangements could be made.
The STEPS Character Building Curriculum
The STEPSprogram is a comprehensive character- and values-building curriculum covering 40 different study topics for ages 4 to 12. The program is made up of two one-year curricula: the Foundations of Faith and Character Buildingseries. Each series includes 20 Student Books, a program Handbook and a Sing Along audio CD, containing the songs included in the series. Numerous supplementary materials are also available to enhance the program.

Karamoja is a very special area in Uganda–unique in the high rate of desertification, and in their cultural elements like the very high bride price.
School for Orphans in Gulu – The Beginnings
Opira Michael, the headmaster, has been doing a wonderful job in organizing and helping the teachers and 160 orphans for the last 2 years in Gulu. Here he is pictured with Family Care’s Christo Jacobs in front of the temporary building being used by the school.

Character Building Workshop for 60 Teachers
The Inspector of Schools in Gulu had seen some of the particularly good materials we have provided to the school, and asked if there could be some way these might be able to be made available for other schools in the area. Fortunately, Activated Ministries had donated a significant number for us to use in Gulu. So we held a Workshop for 60 teachers from 20 of the most needy schools in the Gulu area.
Glimpses of Some of the Gulu Orphans
We’ve been helping towards the schooling of 160 orphans in Gulu, who were victims of the horrible war that ravaged the North of Uganda for 20 years until 3 years ago. We’re very excited about being able to set up a self-sustainable place, with school, mixed farm and nice housing for these dear kids who have suffered so much.

Land Bought–Next Step, Build Classrooms!
The 20 acres we found has now been bought, and the farm is progressing steadily to help support the whole project for the orphans & community, once it’s built.