Our Top P7 Class
Excursion to Learn
About Their Country

Robin Yamaguchi

29 August 2015

The children we have in our school have mostly come from very disadvantaged backgrounds. Most have not seen even a small town, a lake, or any real development since they come from mud huts in the deepest and most remote villages. To help in their exposure to the world around them, and to help them learn what living in 2015 really means, we arranged a 4 day trip to the capital, through a Wild Life reserve, to visit the university, the airport, to ride escalators and elevators, to swim in Lake Victoria, to have a tour of a hospital, and to learn as much as we could squeeze into those few days. It was a life-changing experience for them and we heartily thank each of you who contribute to our care of these exceptional young people to make something like this possible.
It was thrilling for each child to be able to see so many animals, to go on safari, to ride a boat along the River Nile.
Our P7 class with some teachers. We traveled to the top of Murchison Falls where the massive Nile squeezes through a 7m wide water fall. The power of the river is unforgettable.
It was thrilling watching planes land, take-off and cargo and passengers being handled at our main national airport in Entebbe.
Our visits to the National Museum and here the Wildlife Education Center were so informative.
At each point, the students took notes at what the guides explained and each will do a presentation about what they learned from their life-changing excursion and how it’s impacted their life-choices from here on.