Glimpses of Some of the Gulu Orphans

Robin Yamaguchi
22 April 2011
We’ve been helping towards the schooling of 160 orphans in Gulu, who were victims of the horrible war that ravaged the North of Uganda for 20 years until 3 years ago. We’re very excited about being able to set up a self-sustainable place, with school, mixed farm and nice housing for these dear kids who have suffered so much. Here are a few, so you can pray for them & our care of them.

Jane (14) had her daddy abducted by the Rebels and doesn’t know what happened to him. Her mommy struggles selling small things every day to try to get food for her many children. Jane helps a lot with the younger ones–was top in her class and is a very eager, bright student. Walter (10) is a kind, caring boy whose parents were abducted by the Rebels & killed. He’s with his very poor aunty, who struggles to keep her 5 children and her late sister’s 2.
Ivan (11)–his dad was abducted by the Rebels, but when he escaped years later, it was so difficult for him, he committed suicide. Ivan’s mommy begs from hut to hut to let her wash their clothes for a few shillings. He was top in his class last year and has tons of potential. Patrick (13) was on the Sudan border with his family. Sudanese bombed, and shot his 3 young sisters, then his mommy & brother ran into a hut, when Patrick ran behind a different one. They shot his mother & brother & he’s now with his grandma, and has flash-backs from time to time. He’s a very potential boy too.

Vicky (14) and her sister head a child-headed family with 3 little ones. Their father was a soldier with the Ugandan army, chasing the Rebels, but was killed in Sudan 3 years ago. Their mommy is in Sudan trying to raise some money for them all, but the older sisters completely care for the young siblings–very good student & responsible. Mary (13), had her daddy killed by the LRA when she was young. Her mommy struggles with 6 children by selling veggies. Mary gets kerosene from school to sell, to buy books and panties, then brings the money for it the following day. She’s very sweet natured.
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