Land Bought–Next Step, Build Classrooms!

Robin Yamaguchi
20 June 2011
The 20 acres we found has now been bought, and the farm is progressing steadily to help support the whole project for the orphans & community, once it’s built.

Anisa signing the Bill of Sale for our land with our lawyer and local officials.
While the cabbages are progressing steadily, we have been very excited about a number of generous donations from friends. With these, many children have received new uniforms this month, teachers received books, the children got to drink milk which is quite rare, and we bought books, shoes and stationery–in addition to lots of beautiful new clothes–all of which was very needed. Thank you so much!

Anisa’s friend in Brazil saw some children without proper balls, so we bought several for the school & a few for our local neighbours beside our land. Below see little Saa-aa so happy with a REAL ball!
Since the main means of supporting our project is going to be a farm, we have been in learning mode and last week 2 more of us attended a Farming God’s Way seminar on zero tillage, which is a very effective means of farming and while preserving the eco-stability of the land, also brings far greater yields for the crops.

Now with the land paid for, and the surveyors almost finished, the next challenge is building the initial classrooms. We have done a lot of counseling with the Ministry of Education, and with the Office of the Prime Minister since the building will be done with the eco-friendly and economical Hydroform bricks. Now all the costings and plans are finished and ready in place for donor funding to begin construction.