School for Orphans in Gulu–the Beginnings
Robin Yamaguchi
31 January 2011
Opira Michael, the headmaster, has been doing a wonderful job in organizing and helping the teachers and 160 orphans for the last 2 years in Gulu. Here he is pictured with Family Care’s Christo Jacobs in front of the temporary building being used by the school. Kakira Sugar has most generously donated sugar and soap monthly.
LG (Korea) and Appliance World in Uganda generously donated uniforms, shoes, text books and desks for every one of the 160 orphans. Rajan and Malaika pictured here receiving the donations along with a few of the children who came down for the special occasion.
It’s been tremendous working together with our community, as together, these dear children are really feeling the benefits. Kakira has generously donated many kilos of sugar and soap throughout the year, and this donation of uniforms for all the children, desks and shoes for all 160 was a tremendous boost at the start of 2010.
Here is a collage of a few of the beautiful children being cared for.