Mercy Home of Children

Robin Yamaguchi
14 January 2011
In the course of distributing donations to needy orphanages and small Community Based Organizations, we came across Mercy Home of Children. Soon after we began to realize their plight, the founder needed to leave the country. With 130 children to feed, school and care for, we felt it was an important place to focus our energies and to care for them during the time of transition, till more long-term arrangements could be made.

Just a few of the dear orphans from Mercy Home in their brand new school uniforms.
For all of 2009, we worked together with the community, local and oversees donors and every child received full food, scholastic training with all school fees paid, their uniforms supplied and they had a terrific chance to learn to live and grow in love.
Some of the most talented and enthusiastic dancers and singers for their age!

By the end of 2009, with the founder not returning, we worked out with ISP and some oversees teams caring for Orphans, to ensure that each child was transferred to a more permanent, caring team.

Little Mercy and Calvin–each individual child is so special.
For us, it was just wonderful working together with local companies like Game, the Kenyan Women’s Association, Barclay’s Bank, kind-hearted individuals like Nawaz Farooqui, Hamid Kahn, and many others banded together to bring enrichment, fun, care to these dear children, along with Candace Kees and Partners in Action in the US who sent generous donations to contribute to their care.
Malaika with one of the youngest children and some of the literally tons of posho, beans, sugar, firewood, vegetables, clothing and treats we brought throughout the year.

Below, Lilian and the dance troupe, performing for LG who generously donated towards their school fees and food.